Are you ready to get involved?

It's no secret that we can do more when we're working together.
About Giving...

It's also no secret that
Community starts with you...
About Giving
Your contribution helps to support our holistic growth, operating expenses, and the continuation of our community development initiative.
Pact of Faith is recognized to be exempt from Federal Income Tax as described in Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).
Ways to Give
We accept gifts via Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, as well as Bank Account (ACH) gifts.
Missions Giving
Help support international missions with your donations! Your gifts go towards supporting missionaries, providing school supplies, shoes, clothes, and other daily life necessities to at-risk youth and communities.
Charitable gifts made to Pact of Faith are tax-deductible.
About Serving...
Volunteer your gifts to help bring the joy of hope!
About Volunteering
Enhance our community's quality of life by volunteering. Opportunities to serve exist across our programming so feel free to contact us to learn about how you can participate in special projects year-round.
Pray for the positive transformation of communities in need of hope or submit a prayer request.
Contact Us
Contact us to find out more about how you can volunteer your time to help support our ongoing and emerging programs.​